Keeb kwm ntawm Vegan Ice Cream

Keeb kwm luv luv ntawm Vegan Ice Cream

Xyoo 1899, Almeda Lambert, ib tug xya-hnub Adventist los ntawm Battle Creek, Michigan, Tebchaws USA, tau sau phau ntawv qhia zaub mov noj, Phau Ntawv Qhia Ua Ntsig. Phau ntawv no suav nrog cov zaub mov ua rau cov txiv ntoo, butter, cheese, thiab ice cream nrog txiv laum huab xeeb, almonds, ntoo thuv ceev, thiab hickory ceev. Ob feem peb ntawm nws cov zaub mov muaj qe, tab sis ib ntu yog vegan kiag li. Nov yog qee qhov vegan ice cream zaub mov txawv zoo li:

"Nyob 950 ml ntawm hnyav almond los yog txiv laum huab xeeb qab zib. Ntxiv 1 khob suab thaj. Muab cov cream tso rau hauv dej da dej thiab ua noj rau 20 lossis 30 feeb. Ntxiv 2 teaspoons ntawm vanilla thiab khov. "

Soybean ice cream yog thawj zaug tsim los ntawm University of Massachusetts tus xibfwb Arao Itano, uas tau piav qhia nws lub tswv yim hauv 1918 tsab xov xwm, "Soybeans as Human Food." Xyoo 1922, Indiana tus neeg nyob hauv Lee Len Tui tau thov thawj daim ntawv pov thawj rau cov kua mis nyeem qaub, "Ib qho Frozen Confection and Process for Making It." Xyoo 1930, Xya-hnub Adventist Jethro Kloss tau tsim thawj cov kua txiv hmab txiv ntoo, ib qho khoom noj uas ua los ntawm cov kua mis, zib ntab, chocolate, strawberries thiab vanilla.

Nyob rau hauv 1951, Robert Rich ntawm pab neeg ntawm legendary automaker Henry Ford tsim Chill-Zert soy ice cream. USDA tau tshaj tawm tsab ntawv tshaj tawm tias cov kua txiv hmab txiv ntoo yuav tsum tau sau npe tias yog "cov khoom noj qab zib cuav." Txawm li cas los xij, Rich tiv thaiv txoj cai los sau nws cov khoom qab zib ua "ice cream".

Hauv kaum xyoo tom ntej no, lwm hom khoom noj mis nyuj tsis muaj mis nyuj khov tau tshwm sim hauv khw: Heller's Non-Dairy Frozen Dessert, Ice Bean, Ice-C-Bean, Soy Ice Bean. Thiab nyob rau hauv thaum ntxov 1980s, cov tuam txhab uas muag tseem tsim cov mis nyuj tsis muaj mis nyuj khov, Tofutti thiab Rice Dream, nkag mus rau hauv lub lag luam. Xyoo 1985, Tofutti cov khoom lag luam muaj nqis txog $ 17,1 lab. Nyob rau lub sijhawm ntawd, cov neeg lag luam tau hais txog cov kua txiv hmab txiv ntoo ua zaub mov noj qab haus huv, hais txog nws cov ntsiab lus protein ntau thiab tsis muaj roj cholesterol. Txawm li cas los xij, ntau hom dej khov, suav nrog Tofutti's, tsis yog vegan, vim lawv muaj qe thiab zib ntab. 

Nyob rau hauv 2001, tus tshiab hom Soy Delicious launched thawj "khoom kim heev" vegan ice cream. Los ntawm 2004, nws tau dhau los ua cov khoom noj khoom haus zoo tshaj plaws hauv Teb Chaws Asmeskas, ntawm cov khoom noj mis nyuj thiab vegan xaiv.

Raws li kev tshawb fawb lub tuam txhab Grand Market Insights, lub ntiaj teb no vegan ice cream lag luam yuav sai sai no saum toj kawg nkaus $1 billion. 

Puas yog vegan ice cream noj qab nyob zoo?

"Tau kawg," hais tias Susan Levin, tus thawj coj ntawm kev noj zaub mov zoo rau Pawg Kws Kho Mob rau Lub Luag Haujlwm Tshuaj. "Cov khoom noj mis nyuj muaj cov khoom noj tsis zoo uas tsis muaj nyob hauv cov khoom siv cog qoob loo. Txawm li cas los xij, kev noj cov zaub mov uas muaj roj ntau thiab cov roj saturated yuav tsum tau khaws cia kom tsawg. Thiab tau kawg, ntxiv qab zib yuav tsis ua rau koj zoo. "

Qhov no puas txhais tau tias vegan ice cream yuav tsum zam? “Tsis yog. Nrhiav cov kev xaiv uas muaj roj tsawg thiab qab zib. vegan ice cream zoo dua li mis nyuj khov, tab sis nws tseem yog khoom noj tsis zoo, "Levine hais.

vegan ice cream yog dab tsi?

Peb teev cov khoom lag luam nrov tshaj plaws: almond mis nyuj, taum pauv, txiv maj phaub, cashew, oatmeal thiab pea protein. Qee cov tuam txhab tsim cov vegan ice cream nrog avocado, pob kws phoov, chickpea mis nyuj, mov, thiab lwm yam khoom xyaw.

Sau ntawv cia Ncua