Psilocybe cubensis (Psilocybe cubensis)

  • Kev faib tawm: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Chav Kawm: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Qib: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Kev txiav txim: Agaricales (Agaric lossis Lamellar)
  • Tsev neeg: Hymenogastraceae (Hymenogaster)
  • Hom: Psilocybe
  • hom: Psilocybe cubensis (Psilocybe cubensis)
  • San Isidro
  • Stropharia cubensis

Psilocybe cubensis (Psilocybe cubensis) yees duab thiab piav qhia

Psilocybe kub - ib hom fungi uas yog ib feem ntawm genus Psilocybe (Psilocybe) ntawm tsev neeg strophariaceae (Strophariaceae). Nws muaj cov tshuaj psychoactive alkaloids psilocybin thiab psilocin.

Teb: Sab qab teb ntawm Teb Chaws Asmeskas, Central America, subtropical cheeb tsam, ntawm cov quav. Peb loj hlob artificially hauv tsev ntawm kab lis kev cai substrate.

Qhov ntev: 10 ~ 80 hli ∅.

xim: daj ntseg daj, brownish thaum laus.

Daim ntawv: thawj cone-puab, ces tswb-puab nyob rau hauv lub hnub nyoog laus, convex nyob rau hauv lub kawg (qhov kawg yog khoov upwards).

Nto: qias neeg, du. Cov nqaij yog khov, dawb, tig xiav thaum puas.

Qhov ntev: 40-150mm ntev, 4-10mm hauv ∅.

Daim ntawv: uniformly tuab, muaj zog ntawm lub hauv paus.

xim: dawb, tig xiav thaum puas, qhuav, du, dawb nplhaib (remnants ntawm Velum partiale).

xim: grey mus rau grey-violet, dawb margins.

Qhov chaw: los ntawm adnat mus rau adnex.

Kev tsis sib haum xeeb: liab-xim av, 10-17 x 7-10 mm, elliptical rau oval, tuab-walled.

ACTIVITY: Hnav khaub ncaws. Siab heev.

According to the list of narcotic drugs, the fruiting bodies of any type of mushroom containing psilocybin and (or) psilocin are considered a narcotic drug and are prohibited for circulation on the territory of the Federation. The collection, consumption and sale of fruiting bodies of Psilocybe cubensis is also prohibited in other countries.

However, Psilocybe cubensis spores are not prohibited, but they can only be acquired or distributed for scientific research, otherwise it can be classified as preparation for a crime. But no laws regulate this process both from the side of the seller and from the side of the buyer, as a result of which spore prints are freely available both in the Federation and in other countries.

Txoj cai ntawm mycelium yog tsis meej. Ntawm ib sab, nws tsis yog lub cev fruiting, tab sis, ntawm qhov tod tes, nws muaj cov tshuaj psychoactive.

Hom zoo sib xws:

  • Psilocybe fimetaria muaj cov seem dawb dawb ntawm daim ntaub thaiv ntawm ntug ntawm lub hau, loj hlob ntawm nees quav.
  • Conocybe tenera nrog mature xim av daim hlau.
  • Qee hom ntawm genus Panaeolus.

Tag nrho cov nceb no yog inedible lossis tseem muaj cov nyhuv hallucinogenic.

Sau ntawv cia Ncua